This week we are refining the storyboards to include the hard surface prop and architectural details. We are also drawing the final prop orthographic drawing.
In the refining phase, we will look at the angle and perspective for each board and see if we can improve them. Ask yourself these few questions:
Does this shot tell us what is happening in the script clearly?
Does the character blocking work? (Do we need to adjust the angle, zoom in or out?)
Is the scale correct? (Head sizes, proportions/heights of objects, etc.)
To sketch your prop in the boards, you may find that the prop (or any object for that matter) is rotated. This means we need to figure out the vanishing points for the rotated object. For the purposes of storyboarding, we don’t need to exactly find the VPs and construct it all but a rough box/grid will do. For me, it’s always helpful to imagine the object contained in a box and sketch it that way first so I get a rough idea. How do we know if it’s correct? It’s just a feeling you develop with more practice and observation from life.
Use your reference pages to help with additional details, and bring your drawing to a refined pencil drawing level.
For the prop orthographic drawing, we are doing the same process as the treasure chest project. We’ll construct the orthographic views with squares. Since this is a prop, we will finalize the design and orthograph this week!
In conclusion, this is what’s expected for next week:
Refined storyboards to a clean pencil drawing (include prop in 2 of the boards)
Prop orthographic drawing (clean pen drawing)
Clean Plan View drawing of scene
Good luck and see ya next week.