Hello all,
We are embarking on the final storyboard project for the rest of the term! For the next few weeks, we will be studying the script from one movie and creating some storyboards and one prop design.
This week however, we will be focusing on choosing a movie/script, reading and finding one scene, and annotating it. After that, we will create reference image pages for the setting, characters, and prop design.
For homework:
Choose a movie from the list. (Any other one will need approval from me!)
Read the script and find a scene that contains: characters, 1-2 environments with architecture, action
Annotated scene from script (page quantity will depend on the scene). Include LEGIBLE written notes for story moments, shot types, design call-outs, thumbnails etc.
Minimum 4 research pages: 2 pgs for location/architecture, 1 pg for characters, 1 pg for hard surface prop
“Scale with Boxes” in-class drawing
ArtCenter Hallway environment drawing
Here is the movie list with links to the screenplay:
Here is my annotated script from Coraline to give you an idea of what’s expected for homework. Feel free to add thumbnails if it helps!
Here are my reference pages for the scene I chose from Coraline. I’m thinking of designing the “gravy train car” that’s on the dinner table.